Mastering the Art of Leading Yourself and Your Relationships
Empowering men with real stories, proven insights, and actionable strategies to break free from frustration, reclaim their power, and build thriving lives and marriages.

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who’s The Avoidant Wife After All? Your avoidant wife isn't a bitch. She's not...against you, not your enemy, and not your adversary. She's also not holding out on you or keeping distant from you because of deep childhood wounds. It's not her daddy issues, a controlling...

Performance-based self-esteem (value, worthiness and significance)
Recently, my friend John asked, "What is performance-based self-esteem?". I am sure he knows inside what it is but recalling his own beginnings in this journey, John recalled how easy it was to not see this pattern in his own life and wanted me to make a video for men...

Why won’t my wife get off her cell phone?
Brothers around the world are experiencing their disconnected wives and this painful feeling of disconnection that it triggers within them when they see her on her cell or mobile phone for hours at a time. Why won’t she get off of it?

Overcoming My Shame Enough To Become Open To Mentoring
See – for my whole life, I’d already felt like a loser – like I wasn’t showing up as much of a boy, let alone a man. I felt like I chronically fell short of every masculine ideal I witnessed. I was well-accustomed to the deep feelings of shame for all the ways I wasn’t scoring well on the man card.

Too long have you sat in the shadows
You know I'm a sucker for a good story and how they move me. I love encountering epic portraits of truth in story form. As far as themes go, identity is a major component of my passion, mission, and mentoring practice. Naturally then, stories with themes that include...

Why is it so hard to talk to my wife?
Now time was running short and I still needed my answer. I found myself feeling pressure and thinking to myself “why does this have to be so hard?!”. All I wanted was to have a conversation but it seemed impossible.

My wife’s criticism is really bothering me
Sometimes relationships can be filled with a high degree of criticism. What should a man do when his wife seems to endlessly criticize him? How can he stop being bothered by his wife’s criticism?
Help! She’s noticing another man!
A good bit of those men probably make way more money than you. A good bit have way bigger cocks, last longer in bed, and in every measurable metric, out-perform you (and me).
What now?
Help, My wife is in pain!
Sven responds to Mike's please... "help, I'm having a hard time staying positive while my wife is in pain" Transcript Hey, Mike, thanks for reaching out buddy. Land blocks here this morning. So dealing with like mortar...
Why didn’t you take the candlesticks?
Anyone that knows me even a little bit knows I'm passionate about the concept of showing others (and self) high regard. That passion was formed in me over a lifetime of many ups and downs, at times being shown undeserved high regard while at other times being shown...
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