I show men how to get unstuck and become unshakable, masterful men.

Ready to Break Free from Feeling Stuck?


Join a course, connect with a community of men on the same journey, or work with me directly to become the unshakable, masterful man you’re meant to be.

Start Your Journey with a Course

Take a self-guided course designed to help you overcome emotional pain, build resilience, and step confidently into your role as a calm, compassionate, strong, grounded, masterful man.

Join the Masterful Journey

Experience the journey of self-guided courses and group coaching, where you’ll gain the tools, insights, and brotherhood needed to become an unshakable, masterful man.

Work with Me One-on-One

Work directly with me to receive personalized guidance and support as you navigate your challenges, build emotional strength, and become the master of your own life..

How I Help Men Become Unstuck, Unshakable and Masterful

As a full-time professional men’s coach, mentor, and guide, I empower men to overcome emotional struggles, break free from limiting beliefs, and take control of their lives. My mission is to help men rebuild self-confidence, master their emotions, and create lasting, meaningful change in their relationships, careers, and inner lives. Whether through self-paced courses, books, a supportive men’s community, or personalized coaching, my work is dedicated to helping you step into your full potential and become the man you were meant to be.

Explore How You Can Get Unstuck

I offer a variety of ways to help men get unstuck and reclaim their lives. Explore the paths that resonate with you, and let’s start building the unshakable, masterful version of yourself.


Discover transformative insights and practical strategies in my books, crafted to guide you through overcoming challenges and finding strength within.


Engage in self-paced courses designed to provide practical, actionable tools to master your emotions, rebuild your relationships, and transform your mindset.

Group Coaching via The Masterful Men Journey

Join a brotherhood of men dedicated to personal growth. The Masterful Men journey is a unique combination of self-guided courses and group coaching. In our supportive community, you’ll work through life-changing content at your own pace while also connecting with other men for accountability, support, and shared growth.

1-on-1 Coaching via The Masterful Men Journey

Receive personalized VIP guidance through one-on-one coaching to address your specific challenges. I’ll work closely with you to break through the barriers that are keeping you stuck, and together, we’ll map out a plan for growth and transformation.

Real Men. Real Transformation.

Jay in MT, Canada

Jeff in CA, USA

Andrew in CT, USA

I’m so grateful.

Making the financial, mental, and time commitment to partaking and completing the program has been completely worth my time. I wouldn’t change that decision if someone paid me.

From where I started and the life I led before this journey, I am doing so much better and can see the path forward in improvement. I also have great peace in what I can’t yet see clearly in my future.

Was it a challenge? Yes. Did I want to be lazy? Yes! Was it one of the biggest areas of growth in my life to this day? For the better? Absolutely!

I’ve never been so grateful and at peace in my life as I am now. I know how to lead myself to continual abundance and growth in those things too!

I would 100% recommend! Especially if you’re questioning it. Do it. Do it now! There’s a part of you that’s yearning for this and wants this. You’ll be free to love yourself so much more and this will show you how! Thanks to this journey, I have such immense love, respect, value, appreciation, and comfort for and with myself.

Daniel in MA, USA

Truly transformational! I changed and became an enhanced me. I feel better! I think better! I’m more resilient.

This course is a journey I won’t forget. The biggest thing I’ve learned is how to really enjoy my life without fear. I have a greater clarity that gives me hope despite difficult situations and greater inspiration for life and purpose.

At first, I did not see much of a benefit in doing an online course with other men at the same time. However, it made the experience greater. I learned more and felt loved and encouraged during the course. There is great respect and care for each man on his journey.

I expanded my capacity to love and be loved and am forever grateful!

This course is transformational, and it takes time. Don’t be afraid to take your time with the course. It’s all worth it because the growth is strong and exciting.

Abdul in TX, USA

I came into this program and community desperate and broken—desperate to hold onto my marriage, broken from trying other approaches to save it.

It was a really difficult time in January and February of 2023. I came to appreciate how much of my life was dictated by stories and assumptions about how my life was supposed to be compared to how things actually were. There was a lot of pain and emotions, and this community helped me harness that to move my life in a direction that served me.

I did get divorced, but I was able to get a reasonable outcome in the settlement and maintain a good co-parenting relationship. I got a better role at work, I’m physically healthier, and I look better. While I’m not rushing to get remarried, I’ve been pleasantly surprised that the work I’ve done through this community has helped me understand women in ways I couldn’t despite having read books like The 5 Love Languages.

The difference between buying a book or watching YouTube videos and taking this course and joining this community is night and day. The biggest benefit is instantly getting a group of initiated men who support and encourage you. It’s not just people bemoaning their life situation—they help test your beliefs, coach you, and help you gain clarity on what to do next. Instead of getting stuck in analysis paralysis, the community, course, and process help you shift from inaction to action, from fear and indecision to confidence and decisiveness.

While I wish I had known these things in my 20s, I think I found this course at a pivotal moment in my 40s to rebuild on a stronger foundation. I think every man going through an existential, midlife, or relationship crisis benefits from the work we do here, and I would wholeheartedly recommend this course to them.

Cliff in PA, USA

I came into this program with a full series of coaching and a year-long guided course behind me. This was going to be nice, but honestly, I’d done all the hard stuff already, so I was expecting middling results—nice, but not huge.

What a load of crap I was telling myself. Yes, I’d come a long way from coaching, and I’d certainly learned a ton from the follow-up course I took, but there was so much ugly stuff seeping from the lifelong wounds that scored my subconscious. It poisoned my happiness and sickened my relationships, and had done so with such consistency that I thought this was normal.

This program gave me a flashlight and guide rope to descend into those depths, find the fissures, and then address them. To drop the metaphors, I entered this program as a man my fiancé loved deeply. She said I was a good man, but I had a short and scary temper. Now, the word I hear most often (aside from sexy) is “calm.” The last time I heard anything about temper was a reference to how she can tell I get angry even if I never blow up—and that I deal with it without ever lashing out.

I don’t hate myself anymore.

For any man wishing to give himself this gift, know you will have to face hard truths about yourself. You will have to admit things to yourself and others that wash you in the fires of shame. And then you’ll have to learn to let it all go.

You’ll learn the things that have been hurting you are also the things you cling to. To live a better life, you need to gird the courage to change everything and take responsibility for yourself in ways you never dreamed.

Do it.

Matthew in MN, USA

My experience with this program has been extremely helpful. The pain that I was suffering led me to suicidal thoughts. My world was completely falling apart. Everything I dreamed of being seemed to cause me great pain and misery.

I had wanted to be a husband and father so badly. When I met my wife and kids, I fell madly in love. I was a couple years clean from a 12-year drug and alcohol addiction that almost took my life several times. But about 15 years later, I found myself completely miserable and ready to end it all. We were not as close. She didn’t want to communicate as much or have sex as much either. This triggered me, and I hurt her emotionally.

I found this community through Steve. I quickly realized that I was right where I needed to be. This course helped save my life, my marriage, and my family. It was very painful at times, but today I realize and accept that I am okay all by myself. I still have needy thoughts, but I have the tools to handle them properly.

Be careful with your expectations. This course is very helpful and worth every penny, but I still have work to do. This journey is a lifelong process. This course gives us the opportunity to be our own heroes. I thank God for the opportunity.

Alex in USA

Dear brothers,

I completed the course. It took an entire year, with the last month taking three months to finish. The end of the journey comes at a very challenging time in my life, as I am in the middle of a high-conflict divorce.

What did I learn through this journey?

Like most men who enrolled in this course, I came in with the goal of learning tips and techniques that would help me save my marriage and soon found out there is no such “silver bullet.”

  1. The most important thing I learned is to tell the truth about myself, to be myself, and to live based on a set of strong values. This is not happening overnight—it’s a continuous journey with ups and downs. By telling the truth, by being honest, by not feeling the need to impress, heavy layers of “Mr. Nice Guy”-ness are peeled off my skin, and this is such a relief, no matter how life goes.

  2. In line with this, I learned to accept myself, with good and bad days, and also accept and understand others—without judging them and without self-judgment, as others may be going through challenges too.

  3. The power of brotherhood is something I discovered and fully embraced. Being able to take the issues to the men, having a shoulder to cry on, and getting advice—these have truly saved my life, and I am forever grateful to this community.

  4. Holding on to my N.U.T.s: It takes time and practice (and several failures in this growth process) to get there. And there is always learning. N.U.T.s and boundaries for me are fundamental at this time as I am going through this very complex custody case.

  5. The Four Agreements to live by:

  • Be impeccable with your word;
  • Don’t take anything personally;
  • Don’t make assumptions;
  • Always do your best.
  1. It’s your journey. No one else’s. You have your own rhythm and your own way to deal with challenges. Talk to brothers, yet don’t compare too much with others. Work on yourself and stay on course at your own pace. Working on yourself never ends—it takes habit and diligence.

  2. It’s a hard journey. Yet we learn only through hardship. We don’t wish anyone to go through hardship, but this hardship is the only way to true transformation.

Overall, a very worthy experience! Thank you, brothers, for supporting me through the course. Have I resolved my problems? No. But I have embarked on the journey to acquire the knowledge and relationships to help me resolve them.

Dean in England, UK

My Renewed Masculine Man Experience

My wife had left me. My mum had died. But something in me held onto hope. To start with, it was hope that I could win my wife back—win her even though she had built resentment for many years, even though she had an emotional affair partner she was seeing regularly, and even though she didn’t want to talk to me.

But then that hope changed when I realized a lot of issues were due to my dependency on others, particularly my wife. My soul cried out for the need for renewed masculinity.

This was before I found this course. And when I did… Wow. It’s slow on purpose. Then it speeds up. And again, wow! It took a few months after I completed it for it to really settle in. People who know me say I’m the best version of myself.

I’m now going through a hostile divorce, but I know myself. I trust myself. I am going to be more than okay for the rest of my life.

This course gave me that. I tried a number of other courses before making my home here. I am loved and challenged. I am exactly where I should be.

Andrew in KY, USA

My Renewed Masculine Man Experience

I can say without a doubt that this has been the best investment I have ever made. I started my journey through the course with very little confidence in the man I was. I didn’t really know why I had gotten to that place in life, but I knew something just wasn’t right. I had low regard for myself. I would beat myself up for past mistakes and was often anxious about the future.

After these last six months in the course—first breaking down all the parts of my experience I didn’t want and then addressing the underlying shame—I can say that I am a renewed man. The course, through the excellent videos, assignments, and meetings with other men on the journey, has helped me find, first and foremost, self-acceptance. I found my heart. From there, high regard and forgiveness for myself has led to self-trust and confidence. I now know who I am and that my future will be far better than where I came from.

Adam in WA, USA

I joined RMM looking to fix things.  To fix me, to fix my marriage, to fix my life.  I didn’t expect that I would finish RMM with the solid understanding that I’m not broken, never was, and “fixing” was quite beside the point.
If that wasn’t clear, another way to say it is that I hoped to walk out of RMM with a specific outcome.  At the time, I wouldn’t have said that – but looking back, that feels accurate.
Instead of an outcome, what I came to understand is RMM is/was the beginning point of me building a new version of myself.  I’m not in a place where every painful circumstance is resolved, or where I have an expectation of the rest of my life to be perfectly rosy and merry.
But this experience reminded me that I’m not broken, not in need of fixing, that I am loved, worthy, worthwhile, qualified, and a creator.  In whatever circumstance I’m in, I know I have the ability to give love, trust, and warmth to my own heart – I don’t have to expect my wife, my job, my circumstances, the brothers, or anyone else to give that TO me.
The most profound part of the experience, for me, was getting clear on how much shame I carried every day of my life.  None of it needed to have purpose or reason – it could be very small and unimportant, in fact – but I knew I couldn’t be open to the concept that I’m loved/lovable/worthwhile while also combating that with self shame.  Those days are done.  There’s no shame or condemnation for me anymore, and I don’t need to welcome that from anyone else, either.
Per usual, the best part about it is the brotherhood.  Getting to engage with the brothers at a deeper level about these concepts is the thing that is most life changing.  You’re worth loving, and these guys are amazing to experience life with.

Why Masterful Men Works

The Masterful Men journey I’ve created is designed to foster lasting transformation. My focus is on helping you build inner strength, empowering you to take control of your emotions, create healthier relationships, and develop long-lasting emotional resilience. This isn’t about quick fixes or surface-level strategies—it’s about unlocking your potential to live as an unshakable, masterful man. With decades of experience helping men reclaim their lives, I know what works. I combine practical wisdom, proven strategies, and the support of a strong men’s community to help men achieve the change they need.

    Meet Sven Masterson

    I’m Sven Masterson, and I’ve spent years guiding men through emotional pain, self-doubt, and relationship struggles to become the best versions of themselves. As a father of six, a men’s mentor, and a professional coach, I understand the pressures men face and the importance of mastering our emotions, relationships, and inner lives. My mission is to help men step into their full potential and become unshakable, masterful men.

    Why Work With Sven Masterson

    If you’re looking for men’s personal development coaching that offers more than surface-level strategies, you’ve come to the right place. My approach is designed for men who are ready to dig deep, take full responsibility for their lives, and undergo real personal transformation. Unlike traditional coaching that focuses on behavior change alone, I help men build emotional resilience, self-leadership, and lasting growth.

    1. I Teach Emotional Resilience, Not Just Behavior Change

    Most coaches will give you strategies for what to do. I teach you how to be. Emotional resilience is at the core of my approach. When you work with me, you won’t just learn techniques to manage your emotions—you’ll develop the ability to stay grounded, centered, and unshakable, no matter what life throws your way. This means you’ll stop reacting to external circumstances and start leading your life from within.

    Who this is for:
    Men who feel reactive, anxious, or insecure in their relationships, careers, or personal lives—and want to develop emotional strength to handle challenges effectively.

    2. Ownership, Agency, and Personal Responsibility

    A key shift I help men make is moving from a victim mindset to taking full ownership of their lives. I don’t let my clients blame others—whether it’s their partner, their job, or their past. Working with me, you’ll reclaim the power to shape your own experience. You’ll stop waiting for others to change and start creating the life and relationships you want.

    Who this is for:
    Men who are ready to stop blaming others and start owning their choices, emotions, and outcomes. This is for those who feel stuck and want to take responsibility for their own transformation.

    3. Real Masculine Leadership Starts with Leading Yourself

    Many men believe that leadership in relationships is about control or fixing their partner. I teach men that true leadership starts with self-mastery. You can’t effectively lead your wife, family, or team until you’ve learned to lead your own inner world. When you master yourself, others will naturally respect and follow you—not because you demand it, but because you embody it.

    Who this is for:
    Men who want to learn genuine leadership—starting from within. If you’ve ever felt lost or unsure about how to step up in your relationships or career, this is where you’ll discover how to lead from a place of strength and authenticity.

    4. We Address the Hard Truths You’ve Been Avoiding

    If you’ve been avoiding difficult emotions, uncomfortable truths, or hard decisions, I’ll help you face them head-on. I don’t sugarcoat things or allow my clients to stay in their comfort zone. Transformation happens when you’re willing to step into discomfort. Together, we’ll tackle the hard truths about your relationships, habits, and the stories you’ve been telling yourself.

    Who this is for:
    Men ready to confront their fears, heal emotional wounds, and take the difficult but necessary steps to transform their lives. If you’re done with excuses and ready for radical accountability, you’re in the right place.

    5. Community and Brotherhood: Transformation Doesn’t Happen in Isolation

    Many men struggle because they try to figure everything out in isolation. True transformation happens when you’re surrounded by like-minded men who hold you accountable and support your growth. I’ve built a community of men committed to walking this path together. When you join me, you’ll be part of a brotherhood that challenges you to become your best self.

    Who this is for:
    Men who are looking for real connection and accountability. If you’re tired of going it alone and want to be part of a community of men dedicated to personal growth, this is your place.

      What Kind of Man Works with Me?

      Men Who Are Ready to Own Their Lives

      You’ve realized that blaming your partner, boss, or past isn’t leading to change. You’re ready to take full responsibility for your emotional well-being, relationships, and success. My coaching is for men ready to take ownership of their lives and stop living in a victim mindset.

      Men Who Are Willing to Do the Hard Work

      You understand there are no shortcuts to lasting transformation. You’re prepared to face your fears, confront uncomfortable truths, and take steps toward becoming the man you want to be. I’ll challenge you, hold you accountable, and push you to grow.

      Men Who Want More Than Temporary Relief

      You’re not interested in band-aid solutions or quick fixes. You want real, lasting change. Whether in your marriage, career, or personal life, you want to live a deeply satisfying, resilient, and purpose-driven life.

      Men Who Value Brotherhood and Community

      You know that true growth happens in community. You’re looking for a group of men who are on the same path and who will support, challenge, and hold you accountable. You’re ready to join a brotherhood committed to living as their best selves.

        Why Choose My Coaching & Mentoring Approach?

        Many coaches offer advice or strategies, but few help men achieve true, lasting transformation. I specialize in guiding men to develop emotional resilience and self-leadership. Through our work together, you’ll learn to master your emotions, take ownership of your life, and become a man who is grounded and fulfilled.

        If you’re ready to stop living in a victim mentality, take control of your emotional well-being, and create the life you want, I’m here to support you every step of the way.

          Free Resources to Get You Started

          Not ready to commit yet? That’s okay. Explore these free sources that offer practical advice and tools to start your journey toward becoming unshakable.

          Why Is Your Husband or Partner Speaking With Me?

          If you’ve found yourself on this page because your partner mentioned my name or you saw a charge on a credit card bill, I’m glad you’re here. I work with men who are frustrated, unhappy, and discontent with how their lives have turned out, often looking for answers within themselves instead of placing blame on others. My focus is to help them take responsibility for their own experience and become their best selves.

          As a men’s mentor, I don’t just focus on their relationships—I work on helping them own their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. While your partner may talk about you in our sessions, my goal is always to shift the focus back to himself and how he can show up as a better man. Many women worry that their partner might be unfairly blaming them, but I actively challenge men to stop playing the blame game and take ownership of their lives.

          In fact, the men I work with, even in the most challenging times, often speak highly of their partners. My mission is to help them build fulfilling relationships by becoming the best version of themselves. If you ever have questions, feel free to reach out to me directly.

          Take the Next Step Toward Becoming an Unshakable Man

          Your journey to becoming a masterful man starts here. Whether you’re ready to dive into a course, join the Masterful Men journey for group coaching, or explore personalized one-on-one coaching, the first step is right in front of you. Take control of your life and start building the emotional resilience, strength, and confidence you’ve been seeking.

          Want One-On-One Mentoring?

          You don’t have to do this alone. Talk with a man who’s been there.

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          Not receiving warmth/attention/affection/touch/together time/sex/intimacy

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