Interested to see what mentoring is like?

Experience a free mentoring session

Who am I and who are you?

Mentoring, as a modality of connecting with and caring for an individual, is a process of sharing my experiences with others who are experiencing or hope to be experiencing similar.

As a heterosexual male in a long-term, committed, monogamous relationship, I am most effective when offering my experience to men who are, hope to, or are struggling trying to live similarly.

While I am quite happy to offer this free session to anyone, despite affinity to or similarity to myself, please understand that I am only as effective a guide as my experiences have led me to be.
I won't send physical mail to your address, but your address helps me validate you're a real person. Also, as a business professional, this information goes into my CRM system so that I may better serve you and keep professional records.

Help me get to know you a bit with a fun question

This just helps me to get to know you personally. Tell me as much or little as you want!
This just helps me to get to know you personally. Tell me as much or little as you want!

A bit more about how you engage life

These questions help me provided the best mentoring experience I can for you
New emails are only sent when new blog posts or articles are posted or when I have new courses or materials available.

I’m Looking Forward to Speaking

With You!

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