Why We Feel Stuck in Our Relationships (And How to Break Free)

Why We Feel Stuck in Our Relationships (And How to Break Free)

For years, I believed the problems in my marriage and life were out there. If she’d just see what I’m doing for her… If she’d just be nicer to me… If she’d just want to be intimate… If my boss would just recognize my value… If I could just catch a break… Sound...
Why I Always Felt Like I Wasn’t Good Enough—and How I Finally Reclaimed My Confidence

Why I Always Felt Like I Wasn’t Good Enough—and How I Finally Reclaimed My Confidence

Why Do We Feel Like We’re Never Enough? From as far back as I can remember, I believed I wasn’t good enough. Not good enough for my parents, my teachers, my friends—and certainly not for myself. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering, “Why do I feel like I’ll never...