Men who desire to live a life of significance must do so in the fellowship of other men.
“We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers.”
Dr. Martin Luther King
I support men in many areas of life through mentorship, such as:
Sexless & Low-Sex Marriage
Emotional Affair Recovery
Physical Affair Recovery
Second Guessing Partner Selection
Mission & Purpose
Faith & Spirituality
Fear & Anxiety
Want One-On-One Mentoring?
You don’t have to do this alone. Talk with a man who’s been there.
Recent Articles
How to truly let go of the woman who’s truly let go of you
This video and article were created in response to a member of my men's community asking, " How do I truly let go of a woman?" Bobby, Your question struck a heart chord with me—one that needs to be struck now and then because it reminds me...
How Men Become Undone, and How It Can Lead To Wholeness
Then one day, often just after a “more trail marathon,” like a vacation, home renovation, or big holiday, our wives say some dreadful words.
“I love you, but I’m not in love with you.”
“I think I want a divorce.”
“Yes… I *am* having an affair.”
“I can’t give you what you want.”
“I need to find myself.”
Is your wife’s painful past behind your lack of intimacy?
Many of these men are in sexless or sexless or sex-starved relationships. They feel a deep lack of far more than sex but of deep, connected emotionally-satisfying intimacy. In fact, that’s usually their chief frustration and complaint.
Did This Band Write A Song About Our Men’s Community?!
We help men become the heroes they’ve always longed to be, surrounded by the kind of men they’d long since lost hope could guide them there.
69 Minutes to Depressurize a Conflict-Filled Marriage
For about twenty years, I couldn’t figure out why I felt alone in crowds, unvalued, unappreciated, unseen, unhappy, and ultimately, unloved. This wasn’t what I signed up for! I constantly wondered, “what the hell happened here?”
How My Wife Went From Wanting a Divorce to Cooking for Men I Met on Facebook
I thought my absence of male friends was because other men were all shallow. I felt that good men who could talk about something other than sports, booze, and hobbies were proverbial unicorns in the world. As a result, I struggled to develop close bonds with other men.
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