I take men on journeys of self-discovery

I show men how to experience life with a healed heart, a sound mind, calm emotions, confident actions, deep and emotionally-satisfying connection, and vibrant, passionate intimacy

Feeling shipwrecked on your masculine voyage?

“If you cannot see where you are going, ask someone who has been there before”
– J Loren Norris

Is working with me right for you?

I work with high-character men who understand that living an exceptional life requires uncommon virtue, character, and strength.

Men who desire to live a life of significance must do so in the fellowship of other men.

Thanks for dropping by…

 I’m Sven Masterson and I’m a passionate, loving mentor of men who helps men improve their relationships – with themselves and others.

I help men with four things:

  1. Repairing and restoring his heart and mind.
  2. Improving his relationship with himself and others.
  3. Showing him the path to an intimate, deeply satisfying, emotionally and physically connected romantic relationship.
  4. Propelling him forward in his purpose and mission.

I spend my day parachuting into the battlefields of men all around the world as they face the greatest challenges of their lives.

Most of these men are facing failing marriages, emotional and physical affairs, sexless or low-to-no intimacy marriages, and really any area where a man is questioning the fundamentals of himself and his life.

 Here on my site, you’ll find my thoughts on many subjects related to the masculine journey… subjects that are recurring themes in my mentoring: identity, significance, value, sexuality, marriage and relationships, faith, spirituality, and more.




“We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers.”

Dr. Martin Luther King

I support men in many areas of life through mentorship, such as:






Sexless & Low-Sex Marriage

Emotional Affair Recovery

Physical Affair Recovery

Second Guessing Partner Selection

Mission & Purpose

Faith & Spirituality

Fear & Anxiety


Want One-On-One Mentoring?

You don’t have to do this alone. Talk with a man who’s been there.

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