You’re behavior is narcissistic
You need to take immediate action or risk the loss of important relationships

Friend, you do appear to have narcissistic behaviors and these are almost certainly crippling you. You may not even know how you’re impacting people you love, but they do. Those with these narcissistic behaviors rarely notice how others are bothered, or just blow it off if they do. They’re often too consumed with their own self they are often unaware of how they’re impacting those around them.
If you’re like most caught up in narcissistic behaviors, you’re probably deeply disappointed with your relationships. No one ever seems to be giving you what is needed, do they? It probably feels like if most people would just listen and cooperate, things would go well for everyone, but truth is, that’s not how life is supposed to work. Everyone is not falling short somehow. You are chronically dissatisfied with life and relationships because your attempts to control others to achieve your desired outcome are in vain and push those you love away from you..
It might be very easy to get discouraged and lose help at this point. Don’t. Narcissistic behaviors are just that – behaviors. It’s not your identity and you’re not a helpless victim. There is a way out of this mess!
Watch this video and then read on.
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