Men’s Work Can Be Confusing to Navigate

If you’ve been exploring men’s coaching, you’ve probably noticed a certain aesthetic and approach repeated across different programs. There’s the drum-circle-in-the-woods crowd, the shirtless guys howling at the moon, and the ultra-branded “masculinity-as-a-service” experience where you, too, can unlock your primal warrior essence—for the low, low price of $5,000.

For some men, this resonates. For others, it feels like performance art.

If you’ve ever looked at this space and thought, Is this about me growing as a man, or am I just being sold a lifestyle?, you’re not alone.

And that’s why I want to be clear: I’m not here to sell you an identity. I’m here to help you build a life that feels solid, steady, and genuinely yours.

Why Some Men Feel Unsure About Men’s Work

For a lot of guys, looking for support feels more like shopping for a lifestyle than getting actual help. Many coaching programs emphasize grand transformations, exclusive “brotherhoods,” or adopting an archetype of masculinity.

This can leave some men wondering:

  • Do I have to embrace a new identity to grow?
  • Is this about me improving, or about me fitting into a particular brand of masculinity?
  • Will I get real, personal support—or just be part of a large group experience?

And most importantly: Does this actually improve my life, or does it just make me feel like I belong to an exclusive club?

These are fair concerns. And I share them.

How My Work is Different

1. No Performance, Just Growth

I won’t waste your time teaching you how to strut around like a high-value alpha male or unleash your inner primal warrior in a way that just looks cool on Instagram. Instead, I teach men how to embody a real Warrior within—one who protects, leads, and takes action where it matters.

Because I believe real, authentic, and life-giving masculinity isn’t something you “activate” in a weekend—it’s something you grow into through experience, accountability, and self-trust.

I’m not here to make you look more masculine. I’m here to help you become more at peace with yourself, make strong decisions, and build the life you actually want.

2. No Emotional Manipulation—Only Real Growth

Many men’s programs thrive on making you feel like you’re not enough—at least, not yet.

The formula is simple:

1️⃣ Make you feel weak, lost, or broken.
2️⃣ Offer you a path to become a stronger, more powerful man.
3️⃣ Keep moving the goalposts so you never quite feel like you’ve arrived.

And because comparison is a hell of a drug, these programs carefully curate their image. Scroll through their content, and you’ll notice something:

🚨 The leader looks like he just walked off an Esquire magazine cover.
🚨 The men in the promotional footage look effortlessly rugged, successful, and powerful.
🚨 The message is subtle, but clear—you should be more like this guy.

I’ve seen this before. Having just finished writing a book on narcissism (Narcissist? or Not!), this looks an awful lot like somatic and sexual narcissism repackaged as “masculine development.” The trap? Men who already feel ashamed of where they are compare themselves to these images and feel even worse.

And that makes them ripe for predatory programs that exploit their insecurity.

I get it. I also work with insecure men who feel weak, lost, and ashamed. That’s where I meet them—but that’s not where they stay.

My end game isn’t to sell you on a fantasy version of yourself or keep you stuck in a cycle of endless self-improvement that never lets you feel whole. If I don’t feel you’re getting it, I’ll send you on your way for your sake and the sake of the community we’re building.

You’re Not Broken—You’re Just Stuck

✔ You might have stuck patterns.
✔ You might have limiting beliefs.
✔ You might have a lack of confidence.

But your worth and significance are never in question. I believe that no man on this planet is inherently more valuable than another—not because of his wealth, his achievements, or how well he performs masculinity.

That’s the foundation of my work.

If you want to understand this message more deeply, I wrote a book about it for my wife, my kids, and anyone else who’s ever struggled with self-worth in a world obsessed with status and comparison:
👉 What to Do When the Aliens Show Up

This isn’t about turning you into an “alpha-male influencer.” It’s about helping you overcome shame, develop an unshakable sense of self-worth, and become unstoppable in leading yourself and those you love–with a deep sense of aliveness and a white-hot open heart.

And that’s the difference between what I do—and what so many others don’t.

3. The Ultimate Litmus Test—Your Wife and Kids

One of the best indicators of real transformation isn’t how many books you’ve read, how many retreats you’ve attended, or how confidently you can talk about embodying your King energy.

It’s how your wife, children, and closest relationships respond to the changes in you.

Are we becoming:
A more grounded, present, trustworthy man?
Someone they feel safer and more connected to?
More capable of handling conflict with confidence and calm?
A leader in our home, not through dominance, but through steady, reliable presence?
A man whose presence feels like a source of strength, not stress?

Or are we becoming:
A macho-sounding guy who talks big about his newfound “sacred masculinity” but is actually harder to be around?
More interested in proving our masculinity than in actually deepening our relationships?
So hyper-focused on “leading” that we forget to love?
The guy looking for an opportunity to flex his new men’s work muscles—testing out his “frame,” his “dominance,” and his “boundaries” like a kid who just finished his first martial arts class and can’t wait to fight somebody?

Because the truth is, if your wife and kids don’t see a positive shift in how you show up, it’s not the kind of transformation that is going to benefit humanity.

In my work, the vast majority of the wives and partners of my 1-on-1 clients appreciate the changes they see and often tell me so (because I’m quite happy to interact with them). They feel more seen, more cherished, and more at ease in the relationship. In fact, I probably get more referrals from my clients’ partners than from my clients themselves—not because the men don’t see results, but because they worry that too many people finding out will make the community too big and lose what makes it special.

Unlike many men’s groups, I welcome open conversations with these women. While our community dialogues are private and just for men, I offer them full access to all course materials their partner will experience–some of which also include my wife.

Because transformation should never be about secrecy or exclusivity—it should be about becoming the kind of man whose presence makes life better for those he loves.

4. Brotherhood is Built, Not Bought

A lot of men’s coaching spaces use brotherhood as a marketing hook. They promise deep, meaningful connections, but in reality, brotherhood isn’t something you buy—it’s something you build.

I can’t build your brotherhood for you. You have to–by showing up, being authentic, trustable, vulnerable, supportive, and active. Real brotherhood isn’t about paying a fee and suddenly having your tribe. It’s about earning trust, showing up consistently, and supporting each other through real-life challenges.

That’s why my community is designed with intention—not to get as many paying members as possible, but to cultivate a space where committed men actually grow.

This is a community of leaders. While we’re open and welcoming, we don’t hand out participation trophies. Every man who joins must demonstrate effort and follow-through in his own journey before he’s invited into the deeper expedition we’re on together. If a man doesn’t take his own growth seriously, we won’t take him seriously, either.

The price isn’t just about covering costs—it’s a filter. It ensures that no one subscribes and then just coasts. I have no interest in passive members, no matter how wonderful the extra income would be. If you’re not engaged, you don’t belong here. Not because there’s something wrong with you if you’re not engaged, but because I want my remaining days on this planet to be maximally fruitful.

But for the men who show up, who commit, and who put in the work—the impact goes far beyond themselves.

The goal isn’t just personal growth—it’s a transformation that ripples outward. I want to see renewed, connected, inspired, and empowered men sowing those things into their marriages, families, communities, and even nations.

So when I say brotherhood, I don’t mean access to a group. I mean a living, breathing movement of men who take responsibility for themselves and their impact on the world.

This isn’t a club. It’s a proving ground. And if you’re ready for that, you’ll know it.

What I Actually Teach

I focus on real, foundational skills that help men build a solid, fulfilling life—without gimmicks, without branding, and without trying to fit into a mold.

How to stop being reactive and controlled by your emotions.
How to lead in relationships without resorting to manipulation, control, or avoidance.
✔ How to develop self-trust so you stop looking for permission and well-being from others.
How to navigate conflict without crumbling or exploding.
How to stop needing external validation to feel like a man.
How to build a life that actually makes you proud.

These are not trendy concepts. They’re fundamental. And they actually work.

Real Talk. Real Growth. No Beard Oil Required.

If you’re looking for another ultra-branded, hyper-curated, “sacred brotherhood” experience, you won’t find it here.

But if you’re looking for a real conversation with a small, intimate group of real men who actually give a sh*t about helping you grow, stick around.

Because this–This is the kind of men’s work I care about.

If you’re tired of the gimmicks and ready for real, no-BS men’s work that actually helps you grow, let’s talk. I don’t do quick fixes or performative masculinity—I help men get unstuck, build real confidence, and lead their lives with strength and authenticity. If that resonates with you, Request a free ‘Get to Know You’ call here.

Let’s see if this work is the right fit for you.

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