by Sven Masterson | Oct 20, 2020 | Marriage, Relationships, Thought Patterns
Let’s face it… relationships are hard! They’re frustrating, demanding, and often downright exasperating. In the video below, I speak about how our relationships are challenged and downright imperiled by a very subtle process of creating imaginary...
by Sven Masterson | Sep 22, 2020 | Marriage, Masculinity, Relationships, Thought Patterns
I talk to men a LOT about this issue of uncertainty over a future relationship with a spouse. Men who’ve experienced painful relationships say this often. “I don’t know if I want to continue” or “maybe I don’t want to be married to...
by Sven Masterson | Aug 14, 2020 | Faith & Spirituality, Femininity, Marriage, Mirroring, Relationships
Your avoidant wife isn’t a bitch. She’s not…against you, not your enemy, and not your adversary. She’s also not holding out on you or keeping distant from you because of deep childhood wounds. It’s not her daddy issues, a controlling...
by Sven Masterson | Aug 12, 2020 | Marriage, Mirroring, Mission/Life Purpose, Relationships, Thought Patterns
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard this from the mouth a man, I’d at least be able to pay my own cell phone bill without personal cost. Seeing a wife fixated on her cell phone is excruciating for many men, a true source of agony. Why won’t...
by Sven Masterson | Aug 3, 2020 | Marriage, Relationships, Uncategorized
A few days ago, my wife and I had an impromptu “conversation”. It was one of those times when I needed to talk to my wife and get a response about something time-sensitive, but we’d just not been able to connect for several days. Now I was impatient...
by Sven Masterson | Jul 30, 2020 | Marriage, Masculinity, Thought Patterns, Value & Significance
Sometimes relationships can be filled with a high degree of criticism. What should a man do when his wife seems to endlessly criticize him? How can he stop being bothered by his wife’s criticism? Criticism rots, from a wife or others I can’t think of too...
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